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Dennis Clark Family Fund
Donor Advised

Your gift to the Dennis Clark Family Fund with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa allows recommendations for grants to be made each year to support charitable causes that carry out the mission of the Community Foundation.

Clear Lake Arts Center Endowment Fund
Cerro Gordo County Community Foundation
Nonprofit Agency

Your gift to the Clear Lake Arts Center Endowment Fund with the Cerro Gordo County Community Foundation will benefit the charitable activities of the Clear Lake Arts Council (dba Clear Lake Arts Center). 

Clear Lake Fireworks Endowment Fund
Cerro Gordo County Community Foundation
Nonprofit Agency, Restricted Agency

Your gift to the Clear Lake Fireworks Endowment Fund with the Cerro Gordo County Community Foundation will help to cover the costs to provide an annual 4th of July Fireworks display and related activities in Clear Lake, making Clear Lake a favorite holiday destination for many residents and visitors across the Midwest.

Clear Lake/Ventura Area Community Impact Fund
Cerro Gordo County Community Foundation

Your gift to the Clear Lake/Ventura Area Community Impact Fund with the Cerro Gordo County Community Foundation allows us to continually respond to the current and unique needs of the communities of Clear Lake and Ventura. By making this gift, you give us flexibility to fund charitable programs and projects in the community to explore the arts and celebrate diversity, support healthy lifestyles, protect natural resources, educate future generations, preserve the past, build hope for tomorrow, ensure a safe place to live, and improve the quality of life for all.

CFNEIA Charitable Unrestricted Endowment Fund

Your gift to the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa Charitable Unresticted Endowment Fund allows us to continually respond to the current and unique needs of Northeast Iowa. By making this gift, you give us flexibility to fund charitable programs and projects in the community to explore the arts and celebrate diversity, support healthy lifestyles, protect natural resources, educate future generations, preserve the past, build hope for tomorrow, ensure a safe place to live, and improve the quality of life for all.

Louise Vincent Conklin and Robert Conklin Scholarship Fund
Scholarship, Common Application

The Louise Vincent Conklin and Robert Conklin Scholarship with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa may be awarded to students meeting the scholarship criteria. Click Learn More to view the criteria.

Friends of Black Hawk County Conservation Fund
Nonprofit Agency

Your gift to the Friends of Black Hawk County Conservation Fund with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa will benefit the Friends of Black Hawk County Conservation on behalf of the Black Hawk County Conservation Board.

Steven B. Corbin and Doris J. Kelley Fund
Donor Advised

Your gift to the Steven B. Corbin and Doris J. Kelley Fund with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa allows recommendations for grants to be made each year to support charitable causes that carry out the mission of the Community Foundation.

Corson Family Charitable Unrestricted Fund
Bremer County Community Foundation

Your gift to the Corson Family Charitable Unrestricted Fund with the Bremer County Community Foundation allows us to continually respond to the current and unique needs of the community of Waverly. By making this gift, you give us flexibility to fund charitable programs and projects in the community to explore the arts and celebrate diversity, support healthy lifestyles, protect natural resources, educate future generations, preserve the past, build hope for tomorrow, ensure a safe place to live, and improve the quality of life for all.

Courier 8 over 80 Legacy Fund

Your gift to the Courier 8 over 80 Legacy Fund with the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa allows us to continually respond to the current and unique needs of Black Hawk County. By making this gift, you give us flexibility to fund charitable programs and projects in the community to explore the arts and celebrate diversity, support healthy lifestyles, protect natural resources, educate future generations, preserve the past, build hope for tomorrow, ensure a safe place to live, and improve the quality of life for all.