Graettinger Economic Development Quasi Endowment Fund
Your gift to the Graettinger Economic Development Quasi Endowment Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation will support Graettinger Economic Development and its charitable activities.
Graettinger Labor Day Celebration Endowment Fund
Gifts to the Graettinger Labor Day Celebration Endowment Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation will benefit the charitable activities of the Graettinger Labor Day Celebration event.
Lynn and Kathy Graff Heritage Fund
The Lynn and Kathy Graff Heritage Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation allows recommendations for grants to be made each year to support charitable causes that carry out the mission of the Community Foundation.
Shrine of the Grotto of Redemption Endowment Fund
Gifts to the Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption Endowment Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation will help support the charitable activities of the Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption.
Graettinger Community School District Foundation Endowment Fund
Your gift to the Graettinger Community School District Foundation Endowment Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation will support the charitable activities of the Graettinger-Terril Community School District.
Horizons Unlimited Endowment Fund
Gifts to the Horizons Unlimited Endowment Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation will support the charitable activities of Horizons Unlimited of Palo Alto County.
Horizons Unlimited Quasi Endowment Fund
Gifts to the Horizons Unlimited Quasi Endowment Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation will support the charitable activities of Horizons Unlimited of Palo Alto County.
Palo Alto County Community Impact Fund
Gifts to the Palo Alto County Community Impact Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation allow us to continually respond to the current and unique needs of Palo Alto County. By making this gift, you give us flexibility to fund charitable programs and projects in the community to explore the arts and celebrate diversity, support healthy lifestyles, protect natural resources, educate future generations, preserve the past, build hope for tomorrow, ensure a safe place to live, and improve the quality of life for all.
Palo Alto County Conservation Foundation - Lost Island Nature Center Endowment Fund
Your gift to the Palo Alto County Conservation Foundation - Lost Island Nature Center Endowment Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation will benefit the Lost Island Nature Center on behalf of the Palo Alto County Conservation Foundation.
Palo Alto County Hospital Auxiliary Quasi Endowment Fund
Your gift to the Palo Alto County Hospital Auxiliary Quasi Endowment Fund with the Palo Alto County Community Foundation will support charitable activities of the hospital auxiliary.